Climate vulnerability geospatial mapping to identify locations and communities across Vietnam which are biophysically most vulnerable to climate change effects to 2030 and 2050

Developing indicator datasets, shape files and contribution to NUI Galway partners drafting of section of project research paper(s) based on data/results from WP1

Developing most marginalised households geospatially mapped for (a) Yen Bai and (b) all Provinces in Vietnam

Developing the second half of indicator set based on available government datasets compiled

Developing the first half of indicator set based on available government datasets compiled

Climate Change and Farmers’ Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Rice Producers in Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Cassava-cowpea intercropping system for controlling soil erosion in the Northern mountainous areas of Vietnam

Impact assessment of seven-teen year imlementation of agricultural conservation measures in upland cassava production in Yen Bai province

Farmers’ perceptions on land degradation on cassava sloping land and roles of conservation agriculture practices in Yen Bai province

A systematic review of Climate-Smart Village (CSV) and recommendations for adoption in the implementation of Nong thon moi towards climate resilience in the 2021-2030 Strategy

A systematic review of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices and its potential for adoption in the implementation of Nong thon moi in the 2021-2030 Strategy

Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Prioritizing Adaptation Measures Using Climate-Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA): A Case Study in Thuong Bang La Commune, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province

Cassava Farmers’ Perception on Climate Change: A Case Study in Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province

Launching workshop on the climate smart village (CSV) in Au Lau commune, Yen Bai city

The CRAFS team discussded with Yen Bai provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on scaling out the climate-smart village model


Irish Research Council (IRC) Awards CRAFS EUR 350,000 to Study Climate Change Resilience of the Furthest Behind in Rural Communities in Viet Nam

Impact assessment of a local seventeen-year initiative on cassava-based soil conservation measure on sloping land as a climate-smart agriculture practice in Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam

Conservation agriculture for a climate-resilient and sustainable upland agriculture A success story from a seventeen-year local program in northern Vietnam