Bui Le Vinh*. 2021. A systematic review of Climate-Smart Village (CSV) and recommendations for adoption in the implementation of Nong thon moi towards climate resilience in the 2021-2030 Strategy. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 406 (1): 3-15. In Vietnamese. English is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BTZMwRE8nzzoh9QHLWipNXIPlAKqx60P/view
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* Corresponding author: Bui Le Vinh, Department of Land Administration, Faculty of Land Management, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. Email: v.bui@cgiar.org; bui_le_vinh@yahoo.com.
The National Target Program on New Rural Development (NTM) has passed its first 10-year strategy (2010– 2020) and has made many achievements in the preparation of infrastructures and facilitation for economic, social, educational and health developments in rural areas of Vietnam. However, the Program has not been really successful with enhancing adaptive capacity and resilience to climate risks for people and local authorities in highly vulnerable areas. The study used results from a number of studies on 03 models of Climate-Smart Villages (CSV) in Yen Bai province and successful lessons in the world to evaluate the effectiveness and scalability of the model into the implementation of the NTM in its 2021–2030 strategy. From 13 eligible references collected and analyzed using the PRISMA method, of which 5 documents from 02 experimental studies in Yen Bai province during the 2015–2020 period, the author described a sixstep process of 20 activities in developing a CSV that is appropriate in the Vietnamese context. The study proposed the
application of this process within the NTM Program to help climate-vulnerable communes that have met NTM standards continue to achieve the titles of ‘advanced NTM’ and ‘demonstration NTM’ towards climate change adaptation associating with 5/19 NTM criteria, including: planning, information and communications, production organization, culture, and environment. In addition, the study proposed a multi-level coordination mechanism, harmonizing the top-down and bottom-up approaches, in order to achieve the highest efficiency in implementation and use of State investment.
Key words: Climate change, CSV, NTM, PRISMA, CSV integration, multi-level coordination